How do you answer the question, "What are your fees?"

How do you answer the question, "What are your fees?"

I see in a lot of Facebook groups...

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Navigating the AI Wave: Practical Insights for Allied Health Professionals

I'll be honest, finding a balance when speaking to a broad audience of health professionals can...

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Have You Been Blogging Wrong? A Practitionerā€™s Wake-Up Call

Time for a Reality Check on Your Blog

Are you really reaching your potential with your current...

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Embracing Therapeutic Challenges: Navigating Discharge

You've all faced it - the unexpected roadblock in therapy when a client decides to leave...

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Using your numbers to tell a story to stay in business

Managing your own practice means you become part of a competitive field. So, how do you drive...

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I learned this secret early on: Not many people fully understand how to use a budgetā€¦

Creating and maintaining a comprehensive budget is crucial for private practice owners to...

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Financial Freedom or Financial Strife?

One way to create freedom over strife is to create your cashflow strategy. 

To do this, one...

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Dismantling ableism in private practice

Dismantling ableism in private practice policies and procedures involves taking a number of steps...

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Language Matters

I work with a lot of practitioners. I have always worked with practitioners. The difference now...
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Why I choose to coach using a Session Fee Policy rather than a Cancellation Policy

Do you have a one or two-day cancellation policy — or worse, a 24-hour or 48-hour...

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