DIY Trainings

If you are on a tight budget but still need help on how to manage your private practice, our DIY trainings will provide you the tools to help you get started.

Practice to Profit
Video Series

You started in Private Practice because you wanted to create a healthy work life balance, but really you ended up working more than ever before.

Practice to Profit is your ultimate solution to end the constant wheel spinning and start building a Private Practice that will stand the test of time.

Get it for $51.70AUD

Policies and Procedures Templates

Tired of reinventing the wheel or spending hours googling? This is for you...

From clinical templates, policies and procedures, contract negotiation templates to recruitment and human resources templates. Available in editable format.

Subscribe for only $59AUD/month

Establish Your Educational Practice

A consortium of private practice experts have created a complete Best Practice Framework, complete with templates, industry relations and Fair Work governance to help you develop clinicians who are business savvy, leadership ready and ethical.Ā This is for private practice owners who want to create an internship site for provisional psychologists.

Available for only $976.80AUD

Admin Training Webinar Series

In this Admin Webinar Series, we talked about different topics concerning how to manage your practice on the administration side of your business including practice management systems, medicare audit and effective communication.

Watch these sessions at your convenience - whether youā€™re out for a walk or preparing dinner - for only $197.

Watch the series for only $197AUD

Supercharge Your Practice with AI

Open yourself to the idea of using AI in automating your systems and processes by watching the replay of theĀ Supercharge Your Practice with AI bootcamp.

Let me guide you on taking your business to the next level with AI.

Watch the replay for only $125AUD

5 Days to Fill
Your Books

Get the Proven strategies to get steady clients in your diary created for private practitioners who desire stability in private practice.

In our five day course, if you make the time to get through it, you will see that you have more engaged clients, a more manageable case load and appropriate referrals on the regular.

Buy this course for $29.70AUD