How do you answer the question, "What are your fees?"

fees private practice Jan 19, 2024

How do you answer the question, "What are your fees?"

I see in a lot of Facebook groups conversation about pricing - whether it's for business coaching or admin services or branding, or any other type of services. It's a big pet peeve of mine when people are like, "Where can I get the cheapest?" or "Your prices are too high."

This year, I want to challenge everyone who's looking for a business coach (or anyone who provides services), because it's the beginning of the year. You've got all these inspirations in your business to do something, so  I want to challenge you to  look at a budget firstly, so you know what you can actually afford.

Because every time you hear the price, you're always going to buckle. And that is the same with the inquiries that you get for your services - people buckle. I'm not saying don't focus on price, because you have to be able to understand, "Can I realistically afford this?"

But I want you to go in with an understanding of what you can actually afford and what services you're really looking for.

A lot of times when people speak to me about my pricing, I'm going to know early on if price is a big focus, and whether or not they're actually interested in my service.

Let me share with you a couple of tips on how to answer the question: "What are your fees?"

When someone asks me how much my fees are, I always say to them "We will discuss fees, but I need to know what your expectations are and I need to know what you're wanting." Because even though they're the consumer of my service, I get to decide if I work with someone.

It's not that I take everyone on board that comes to me and not everybody who comes to me that I want to take on board chooses to work with me. It is a mutual conversation to understand what you're looking for, what I'm looking for and what we're willing to compromise if we want this relationship to go forward.

Before we even get into fees, I want to know what are you looking for? What do you want from this? What is your expectation? And can that expectation for my services be met or do I need to shift some of that expectation or whatever that might look like?

I always strongly recommend for people to have conversations with others, go and see what other services are out there, rather than just coming in wanting one person.

To learn more about answering inquiries about your fees, you may watch the full video here.


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