Passive Income on Autopilot...

Sound like a dream? It doesn't have to be!

Let us show you how to build an online course in 8 weeks or less without wanting to pull your hair out.

Get on the Waitlist Today:

Hello, I'm Natasha Ace!

Founder of Private Practice Alliance and Private Practitioner Expert.

I teach practice owners, solo practitioners and contractors do it yourself action steps for building a highly successful practice, reducing overwhelm, and creating a healthy work life balance with ease.

And now, with everything going on in the world, I want to help you as a Private Practitioner build consistent Passive Income into your business plan. 

Each week will have a different focus with Private Practice Alliance Experts popping in so you can learn and implement exactly what is needed to build consistent Passive income.

JOIN THE ONLINE COURSE FOR ONLY $1096.70 (inclusive of GST)

Week 1:
Build Your Foundation

 This week will be all about getting the foundation for your ideas together. A strong foundation is essential to a strong house. 

Week 2:
Build Your Map

Ever tried to go somewhere without GPS these days? Me neither. This week will be all about mapping your ideas so you have a clear roadmap so your offer converts right out of the gate.

Week 3:
Build the Tech

 Allllll the tech stops people in theirs tracks when working on Passive Income. We will take you through the tech you actually need, so you don't waste your time on shit that doesn't matter. 

Week 4:
Build Your Course

Halfway there and you've officially reached implementation week! In Week 4 you will learn the in's and out's of filming and writing your actual course content. 

Week 5:
Build Your Proof

This is a special part in the program where we build Social Proof and testimonials for your course. Shhhh this is Natasha's Secret Sauce to creating Passive Income that sells every time. 

Week 6:
Build Your Brand

As a Private Practitioner, all your focus has gone into marketing yourself in person - online marketing is a different animal! Our branding expert will knock your socks with her simple tips for selling digital products. 

Week 7:
Build Your Funnel

Landing Pages, checkout pages, thank you pages, membership sites and more! Learn how to actually deliver your final product into the hands of your client time and time again 

Week 8:
Build Your Launch

SEO, FB Ads, Affiliates and More! Launch your Course, Promote it with confidence, and have a repeatable system you can use over and over again to create passive income. Win freakin Win!

We will take you from idea to passive income in 5 modules or less.

Sound like something you? 

Get on the Waitlist Today

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We highly recommend you join the waitlist today!